This house in Barcelona belongs to decorator,Monste Esteva. He purchased the detached home and went to work making his vision of the space come to fruition via a a major renovation. I love his effortless mix of styles and the gorgeous hardwood floors throughout his home; how they shine literally and figuratively. I could gaze at them all day…
A charming kitchen with bursts of colour-is that I a fuchsia tolix chair? Love the Moroccan vibe exuding from the floor motif.
(same kitchen with a more open view)
The ceiling is remarkable, is it not?
Those floors again and a fireplace – oh la, la!
I see rosemary, geraniums, an oleander bush and and… Really, seeing such a lush outdoor space is one of the reasons I yearn for Spring.
Don’t you just love this home?
If you celebrated Valentine’s Day, I hope it was a spectacular one for you! The sod will be placed in the yard maybe sometime this week at the new house, so we’re almost at the end of the road folks! The Blakes will hopefully have a place to call home soon! Happy Tuesday everyone! XX