Hello lovely readers,
I’m tickled pink ( or perhaps I should say a pale blush) to be doing this guest post while the lovely Stacey moves into her new abode.If you’ve ever visited my humble blog you will know that typically I’m all about color. Loads of color. Today, however, I’m tending towards a more neutral palette. Something a bit less boisterous and more subdued and dreamy. I’ve put together some of my favorite images that embody that mood. Hope you enjoy and have a beautiful, softly serene day…
Such an aptly titled post, wouldn’t you say? Amuse-Bouches is a beautiful blog that is filled with lots of romantic inspired images, lovely interiors and just a space where one could browse for hours and get lost. It was such a delight to have the lovely Amuse-Bouches here today. Merci mon amie! You can also find more inspiration from Amuse-Bouches here! XX
{images tumbl’d here.}