Hi everyone! Yes, Zion has his own homemade sandbox on wheels and he loves it!! A couple weeks ago, I posted here that I wanted to make a sandbox for Zion and I included some inspiration sandboxes. Amongst them were

this sandbox on wheels. Many of you preferred this one. And so did i. It’s mobile ability was a major appeal to me since it made it quite flexible. Having decided that this was the one I wanted, I set out to find out more information on how to make it. Just one google search later and voila, I found the instructions on how this exact sandbox was built. The instructions can be found here on Nonchalant Mom(the pic above shows a shot of Nonchalant’s Mom’s home that was being featured in the now defunct Domino magazine).

So the hubby got some pretreated wood to build this for me, but as you know, he had to leave (thank you for your support too btw-it’s consoling to know that I have my blog friends

). Anyhoo, he wasn’t able to build it before he left, so Mr S. (a teacher colleague and talented carpenter) came to my rescue. He whipped this baby together in less than two hours. The materials: 2- 1×12 8feet long $14.00 ea, half sheet of 3/4 in plywood $18.00, 4 wheels $4.50 each, screws $4.00 can be found at your local Lowes or Home Depot; really any hardware store should have these items. The wheels also can be locked into place so the sandbox won’t move with Zion in it. In addition, there are tiny holes in the base to ensure that any water poured in it have an exit point.

This weekend I sealed it with some Thompson’s Clear water sealer that I purchased from Home Depot . I always attach that (above)Rust-oleum sprayer to my aerosol cans when I’m spray painting and it worked beautifully with this Thompson’s water sealer can.

After the sealant was dry, I poured the sand in. I only used 7 bags since I wanted to be able to readily push the sandbox when it’s filled with sand (gotta be careful since I’m preggo). If you noticed too, I have the sandbox on our screened in porch. It’s way too hot here to place it outside; Zion would never be able to use it if it were outside. Imagine that, right ? But it has been that kind of summer where we’ve spent more time indoors instead of out.

I barely emptied the last bag of sand before Zion climbed into the sandbox and started to enjoy. I am really pleased with it especially because he can be “almost outside” doing a fun activity instead of being stuck inside all day hiding from the heat.

Welcome to Monday everyone. Have a lovely day! XX