Zion’s play room is a working progress. I actually observe how he uses the space and then go from there with design ideas etc. I painted Zion’s chalkboard wall for him when I was 81/2 months pregnant. I also painted the adjoining walls an orange colour(no surprise there, right?). Anyway, I’ve always wanted to do a chalkboard wall and Zion’s love affair with doodling on the bare walls led me to paint one sooner than later.

For someone like me who loves instant gratification, it was no fun painting the chalkboard wall. I had to wait 24 hrs. before I could apply a second coat. Applying a second coat enables a smooth, consistent finish. Allow it to dry completely as well.

Then I had to do another step where I “conditioned or seasoned” the chalkboard: wall after applying the second coat and allowing it to dry. To season or condition the chalkboard before using it, take a piece of chalk and lay it on its side, rub the entire chalkboard surface with the side of the chalk. The pic above shows this process. After, erase it with a chalkboard eraser or a soft cloth. This conditioning step helps prevent “ghosting,” where previous chalk marks may leave a faint impression on the board after erasing.

We all enjoy having the chalkboard wall. Ironically too, Zion still uses the chalk to “decorate” the other walls. I guess that is what 2 year olds do


.  Happy Tuesday everyone! XX