My first post for the new year! Happy new year to you! I spotted this beautiful pink house while browsing on Pinterest recently and I had to go and investigate. I found the full feature in Dwell You know how the internet spies on you and know what you’re thinking and then bombards you with images that match your thoughts…yay that’s what happened. I just can’t seem to shake my obsession with pinks and this year, you know reds are all the rage. Anyway, let’s get back on track to this pink house. Located in New Orleans and originally a corner store that was once a bar, the new owners wanted to maintain that quintessential New Orleans vibe when they transformed it into a home. They acquired the help of design firm Office La to help them realize their vision…

i love the color blocking moments throughout; the pink and red with green s so lovely

What do you think? Would you paint the exterior of your home pink?
photographer: Alison Goote
On a somber note, it’s utterly heartbreaking to watch the devastation caused from the wildfires in LA. Where to Find Information: Stay updated with trusted resources like @losangelesfiredepartment @lafdfoundation and @watchdutyapp for real-time news.
How to Donate: Help organizations like the California Fire Foundation, and @wckitchen that are providing immediate relief.