Noun: bling – flashy, ostentatious jewelry; “the rapper was loaded with bling” Of course, although rappers may have made the term famous, one doesn’t have to be a rapper to adorn oneself in bling:-).
Aptly titled, Never Enough, this editorial features Alessandra Ambrosio, photographed by Giampaolo Sgura and styled by Anna Della Russo for Vogue Nippon October 2010.
She certainly has swagger, doesn’t she? I salute you too chica!
Thank you all for the encouraging words regarding my move during the Holiday Season. I am definitely looking on the brighter side of things. Back to the bling-I love to adorn or finish my look with at least one statement piece or bling. Depending on my outfit, I may go all out with the “bling or never enough approach. So, do you “bling” or not? XX