I know you must all have heard of the wonderful Jamie Beck of the From Me to You tumblr blog. She is a talented photographer whose images never fail to leave me in awe or bring a smile to my face. I am one of her faithful stalkers on tumblr and i’ve been looking at these pictures for at least a week. No kidding. I just love them! This is a shoot that she did for the Working Class Magazine’s Summer of love issue. That magazine features some amazing talent too. It’s definitely worth your while to have a look.

If you want information on what the models are wearing, click here. Yes, you’re welcome:-). Also, Jamie has tons more eye candy on her blog, so check her out here! I hope you’re all having a fun day my friends! xoArt Direction and Styling: Kylie Fife and Jessica Soga
Hair/Makeup By Virginia Bradley Linzee
Models: Brett and Mary Kate at ORB Model Management