home tour
A Friend Like You: Patrice

A Friend Like You: Patrice

Sometimes even I need a reminder of this sometimes. Thank you to my friend Patrice for this reminder… I feel so lucky to have a friend like Patrice; you know the one that you can call on the phone and before you even say that something is wrong, somehow...

A Brick House in India.

A Brick House in India.

This home is located in a small village Munavali, close to Alibaug; which is said to be a favorite getaway for affluent Bombay citizens as a place to build their dream country home. This home has Affluence. Written. All. Over. It!  A project by Spasm Design...

A Fun and Colourful Home in Sintra/Portugal.

A Fun and Colourful Home in Sintra/Portugal.

I love when a home reflects its owners personality and when it’s not “decorated” to comply with trends or certain design rules. This home showcases a mix of bright colours, clashing patterns, and a love for textiles.  According to the lady of the house: Home...

A Soft Caress..

A Soft Caress..

For the purpose of this post I shall define Caress to be when one lightly runs his/her hand up and down an item in a home because it’s irresistible in its appearance. My reaction to the décor of a home is probably not a typical one. I am quite visual so I if...

Sue Hostetler’s East Village Home via NY Social Diary.

It’s been awhile since I visited one of my favourite sites; nysocialdiary.com. I always experience such a thrill when I visit and they are featuring a home that literally speaks to every inch of my design addict being.  This feature, Sue...

Una Casa En Barcelona.

Una Casa En Barcelona.

This house in Barcelona belongs to decorator,Monste Esteva.   He purchased the detached home and went to work making his vision of the space come to fruition via a a major renovation.  I love his effortless mix of styles and the gorgeous hardwood floors...

Tomorrow is Today: An Architect’s Home.

I know I’m posting twice today-unbelievable! However, I had to post this home tour(spotted here).  This home belongs to an architect and no it’s not cold. In fact it’s quite the opposite. His name is Warren Techentin (his wife is Mimi...

A Fabulous Modern Home.

A Fabulous Modern Home.

Located in Sewall’s Point, Florida, this beautiful and absolutely fabulous modern home is more like an estate since it boasts square footage up to 12, 300. Humongous, right? The interior features enviable classical pieces and art, Mahogany, Minnesota Limestone, and...

Casa Los Nardos + Connecticut bound!

As you view this magical place, we're headed to Connecticut to spend Thanksgiving with family. We're taking a road trip which promises to be quite adventurous with baby Z on board! This house is referred to as Casa Los Nardos and is a remodel. Schmidt...

Simple home + Veteran’s Day.

Simple home + Veteran’s Day.

Yesterday, we got a wonderful dose of colour from our friend, Miles Redd. Today, we’re going take it down a notch with this beautiful mostly white space. The sprinkling of the brown tones from the floor and furniture is a lovely contrast, definitely not jarring. Isn’t...

A Cozy Cabin + Thank You.

A Cozy Cabin + Thank You.

I took a bit of an intermission from loving on dearest hubby. I think his face is hurting from all those kisses . Anyway, I had to pop in to tell you all that your comments on my welcome home post warmed my heart dearly. I showed my hero your heartwarming comments;...

Courtyard House in the South of France.

I’m loving this house aptly called the Courtyard House that is located in the South of France. It’s easy on the eyes and laid back in its décor. This outdoor spot is so perfect spot for lounging… I’m loving the double glass doors and how seamlessly the outside and...

Poteet Architects.

Hi everyone! How was your weekend? I had a lovely one with baby Z, and spent most of the time with him enjoying the lovely weather that we had this weekend. My initial plan for today’s post was to write about Lonny’s October/November issue(this month ...

Atherton Residence in California.

Do any of you live in California? I have shamefully never visited there but it seems as if the houses that i tend to lust over are nestled right there. This residence, referred to as the Atherton Residence is no exception.  It is designed by...